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Habitat Hollow Creation

At Hello Cocky Habitat we create essential habitat for our furred and feathered friends.

Hollows are considered essential for 16 mammal species in Victoria and 44 bird species


We are facing a rapid decline in habitat due to urban sprawl, development, forestry and fire. More than ever it is essential that we retain or create habitat for our hollow dependent birds and mammals.


Hollows form naturally as a tree enters “senescence” or decline. Branches fail, insects take advantage and fungal rot sets in which creates a hollow. 

The problem we face is that by the time a tree reaches this age (usually 70+years) we have removed all risk of branches failing, or worse yet, we have completely removed an older tree before it reaches a state of decline where it provides habitat. 


At Hello Cocky Habitat we can shortcut this process by creating carved hollows in the tree which then provide habitat without branches failing and hollows forming slowly over many years.


Using our broad knowledge of modern Arboriculture we utilise specialist techniques and tools to prune trees and create habitat with a holistic view of a tree’s role in the ecosystem along with safety, especially in the urban environment.

Alexa Young, CA

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